Volunteer Appreciation Month: Celebrating Partner Agency Volunteers
As we wrap up an incredible month of celebrating all those who donate their time to fight hunger relief, we want to close out Volunteer Appreciation Month with recognition of the volunteers across the North Texas Food Bank’s feeding network.
The Food Bank partners with more than 200 food pantries and organizations throughout our 13-county service area to distribute nutritious food to North Texans. These partners are meeting hunger at its doorstep, while often providing additional wraparound services that help create lasting change for their neighbors and communities. And just like the Food Bank, these organizations rely on the dedication and generosity of their volunteers to achieve their missions.
Today we are highlighting a few of our partners and, in their own words, what their volunteers mean to them. Thank you to our partners and their volunteers for your steadfast commitment to fighting hunger in North Texas.
Crisis Ministries, Dallas County
What do your volunteers mean to you?

As a 100% volunteer organization, volunteers mean everything. We regularly receive feedback about how sweet they are and how it is hard to believe they are all volunteers. Our volunteers totally rock the loving your neighbor vision we have for Crisis Ministries. They encourage, laugh and even cry with those we serve. They are the best. Words cannot really express the feelings.
What would you like to say to your volunteers during Volunteer Appreciation Month?
Words cannot really express the feelings. I will say my cup runneth over. You are amazing even amid all the craziness. Your steadfastness during covid was unbelievable. You all adapted so well when we reinvented our building to move to client choice. You embraced the changes and made it all we had hoped. Simply marvelous group!
What are your volunteer needs?
We need men to work receiving weekday mornings from 8:30 to 12. We need men with pick-up trucks to help with retail pick-ups. People can sign up as a prospective volunteer on our website at https://crisis-ministries.org/get-involved/
– Ruby Sevcik, CEO
Christian Benevolent Outreach Food Pantry, Collin County
What do your volunteers mean to you?
Our volunteers are our organization! We are an all-volunteer food pantry with no full-time or paid staff so dedicated volunteers are the lifeline to our successful daily operation! Each week, our volunteers donate over 300 hours of their time to benefit the Food Pantry operation. Our volunteers are the friendly face of the food pantry that our neighbors identify with each week. They are the ones there to help check you in, connect you with other agencies for assistance, celebrate your life events, or grieve with you your sorrows. Each week they prepare your food boxes and load the food into your car – whether it’s raining outside, snowing, 110 degrees or 32 degrees. Our volunteers are there ready to serve.

What would you like to say to your volunteers during Volunteer Appreciation Month?
We couldn’t serve each week without our dedicated volunteers! Whether you serve one time, once a month, or part of our core group of volunteers that show up weekly, you are vital to the success of our organization. We so appreciate all that you do and the personal sacrifices you make to serve our community.
How can people find out about volunteer opportunities?
We have an ongoing need for 5-7 volunteers each Tuesday to help with food distribution and assist with the registration process. You can learn more by going to https://ntfb.org/get-involved/volunteer/ or you can contact Susan at ghostley@verizon.net for more information.
– Susan Ghostley, Coordinator/Volunteer
Lamar County Food Pantry (known locally as the Downtown Food Pantry), Lamar County
What do your volunteers mean to you?

Without the smiles and friendly, compassionate service of our volunteers, far fewer people in need would experience the dignity and kindness they deserve. I just can’t imagine the droll, bleak and unfriendly, institution-like atmosphere of going through the motions to simply hand out food. It’s our volunteers that make the Downtown Food Pantry a place people want to visit!
What would you like to say to your volunteers during Volunteer Appreciation Month?
You are doing Kingdom work and honoring our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, with every act of kindness, every item of food you assist with, every smile you give to make that human and loving connection to those who seek out our help.
How can people find out about volunteer opportunities?
Learn more about the Downtown Food Pantry’s volunteer opportunities on its website: downtownfoodpantry.org
– Allan Hubbard, Executive Director
Once again, thank you to all our volunteers at NTFB and across the network. We are grateful for your support this month and always. Visit here to learn more ways to get involved.