NTFB Recognizes Partner Agency Growth Champions
The North Texas Food Bank is honored to work alongside more than 200 Partner Agencies in its Feeding Network in the fight against hunger in North Texas. Across 13 counties, these organizations help their neighbors access food and other critical resources every day with compassion, dignity, and kindness.
NTFB recently recognized three members of its Feeding Network as its 2021 Partner Agency Growth Champions based on their accomplishments in the last year. Please join us in celebrating the three organizations, nominees and all our partners who are dedicated to improving the lives of North Texans.

Foundational Level (agencies that distribute up to 41,500 pounds annually)
The Family Place has been helping victims of family violence in North Texas since 1978. The organization provides everything needed to empower victims to live free from abuse, including emergency shelter. During the February storm, the shelter ceiling collapsed because of burst pipes, causing so much damage that residents had to be moved to extended stay hotels. The agency was able to continue to care for families that had fled domestic violence and now were left with nothing for a second time. Their commitment to the safety and health of their clients was remarkable.
We also want to recognize the nominees at this level: Comet Cupboard at UT Dallas and Jack & Jill Daycare

Impact Level (agencies that distribute between 41,501K lbs – 500,000 lbs annually)
Heart of the City operates the Farmers Market Food Pantry and is a relatively new partner agency to the North Texas Food Bank. The organization has continued to grow meals while constantly looking to expand its services, whether on-site or finding new locations to serve. Congratulations Heart of the City, we look forward to continuing our partnership and watching your services grow.
Congratulations also to the nominees in this category: Waxahachie Care Services, Grand Central Station, Kaufman Christian Help Center, and Cumby Food Pantry
Transformational Level (agencies that distribute over 500,001 pounds annually)

MasterKey Ministries Food Assistance in Sherman provides wholesome food to North Texas families in Grayson County. MasterKey’s approach to target rural hunger went to great lengths to find the need in their communities. Collaborating with numerous partners, they worked to invite and meet their neighbors after hours to ensure their needs were heard and met. MasterKey didn’t want to lose the client choice model, so they asked what their neighbors needed and most of all wanted. Those items would wind up in their boxes each week. The amount of time spent to ensure service with dignity is attributed to the great efforts of the MasterKey team and volunteers.
Congratulations to the nominees: Community Lifeline, Crossroads Community Services, Seven Loaves Food Pantry, Islamic Association of Collin County, Metrocrest Services, and the Wilkinson Center
Congratulations again to all our Growth Champions and to all our partners for the work they do every day to create lasting change for our neighbors. We are grateful for your partnership.
Caryn Berardi is a Communications Specialist for the North Texas Food Bank.