Purchase a Nourishing Neighbors Hunger Bag to Support the North Texas Food Bank

Tom Thumb and Albertsons are selling hunger bags to benefit the NTFB and Tarrant Area Food Bank through February 17.

Through February 17, shoppers at all area Tom Thumb and Albertsons stores in the North Texas Food Bank service area can support the NTFB by adding a $5 Nourishing Neighbors Hunger Bag to their grocery purchase.

The $5 donation will help stock the shelves at the NTFB’s Perot Family Campus warehouse and provide meals to some of the 640,000 people in our community who are facing hunger. The 13-county area served by the NTFB has the fourth-highest rate of food insecure people in the nation, and the Food Bank is seeing more need this year than it did even at the height of the pandemic.

“The consistent generosity of Tom Thumb/Albertsons throughout the year is helping us to advance our mission of bridging the hunger gap in North Texas at a time when the need is as critical as ever,” said North Texas Food Bank President and CEO Trisha Cunningham. “We are so grateful for Tom Thumb/Albertsons commitment and for the ways they invite the community to get involved in addressing food insecurity in North Texas through initiatives like the Nourishing Neighbors program.”

Nourishing Neighbors is a charitable program of the Albertsons Companies Foundation that seeks to ensure children, seniors and families in the communities where their stores operate have access to the food they need. In 2022, the program raised over $40 million nationwide and helped to provide more than 188 million meals.

Bag purchases made in the NTFB’s 13-county service area benefit the NTFB while purchases made in the Tarrant Area Food Bank’s service area will support the TAFB. Want to get involved? Find the store nearest you here.
