Charting the Course for the North Texas Food Bank’s Mission

Kim Morris is prioritizing lasting partnerships to nourish better and enrich communities.

Amid the flurry and activity of purpose, Kim Morris stands at the heart of the North Texas Food Bank (NTFB). As senior director of Community Partner Relations, Kim is quick to emphasize she’s but one piece of a much larger puzzle, surrounded by a team of committed individuals working to drive change and growth.

Holding up a vivid map detailing food insecurity in the NTFB’s 13-county service area, Kim says it’s the vision of her and her team to turn those red spots, representing neighbors facing hunger, into green areas, or places where the majority of needs have been met. “Our entire team is dedicated to bridging the meal gap that exists,” she says.

“Consistency in our efforts is vital,” Kim continues. “Feeding the hungry isn’t a one-time act. Our interventions have to be sustained, and that’s where the commitment of our team plays a crucial role.”

Since joining the food bank just over three years ago, Kim has been part of a movement that stresses proactive outreach. “While I might have brought some ideas to the table, it’s the tireless dedication of our team that has transformed these ideas into actions,” she says. “We’re reaching out to areas in need, armed with data, and guiding our partners effectively.”

It’s not just about food distribution; it’s about community empowerment. “From parking lots to partners is a concept we’ve embraced as a team,” Kim says. “We don’t just seek places to distribute food. We’re looking to form lasting partnerships—collaborations that enrich and nourish communities.” 

Kim Morris with the Community Partner Relations team.

Reflecting on the changes during her tenure, Kim says, “We’ve transitioned, but not because of any one individual. Our entire team has driven this shift from a reactive, compliance-driven model to one that prioritizes customer service and proactivity.”

Kim is a fervent advocate for a community-driven approach.

“While I might be one of the voices, our mission is a collective effort. We intently listen and learn, letting communities guide our strategies,” she says. “Our mission at the food bank is holistic: Serve passionately, distribute efficiently, and empower regions. But most importantly, it’s a shared vision—a dream that each member of our team is turning into reality every day.”

Justin Waldrop

Justin Waldrop is the Annual Campaign Manager for the North Texas Food Bank.
