5 Loaves Food Pantry
A Christian Food Pantry
Abracadabra, Inc.
Agape Fellowship SDA *
All Saints Vision Foodshare
American Heart Association
American Prosperity Fund Inc *
Angels Fighting Against Hunger *
Ark of Hope II *
ARM Golden Gate *
Austin Street Center
Baylor Community Care *
Beckley Community Church *
Bibleway Bible Church *
Blocking Hunger Foundation - Henrie *
Bridge Builders
Brighter Bites
Buckner Children & Family Services *
Burning Bush Christian Academy
CAC Fountain of Life Ministry *
Calm Care Health *
Care Center Ministries *
Carver Heights Baptist Church *
Castle Glen Place *
Catholic Charities Abundant Grace Embassy *
Catholic Charities Biltmore Apts
Catholic Charities Bruton Terrace Church of Nazareth *
Catholic Charities Cardinal Farrell
Catholic Charities Christ Embassy
Catholic Charities City Changers International *
Catholic Charities Comforter Christian
Catholic Charities Covington Creek *
Catholic Charities Cristo Rey *
Catholic Charities D Daniels Elementary
Catholic Charities Delafield
Catholic Charities Divine Solution Covenant
Catholic Charities Dominion Life Church
Catholic Charities El Shaddai Grand Prairie *
Catholic Charities En Pos De Cristo *
Catholic Charities Feed the Streetz
Catholic Charities God the Ultimate Connection
Catholic Charities Good Shepherd
Catholic Charities Healing Hands
Catholic Charities Heartline Ministries *
Catholic Charities Holy Cross
Catholic Charities Holy Family
Catholic Charities Holy Spirit
Catholic Charities Hope Clinic Garland *
Catholic Charities Iglesia Cristiana La Roca *
Catholic Charities Iglesia De Dios Betel
Catholic Charities Jan Pruitt Community Pantry
Catholic Charities JP Morgan
Catholic Charities Keyes Elem
Catholic Charities Light Church
Catholic Charities Mesquite Rehab Institute
Catholic Charities Mt. Carmel Baptist Church/DCHSSTD Division *
Catholic Charities New Life Assembly
Catholic Charities Northway Christian Church
Catholic Charities Oasis Mt Chc
Catholic Charities Olph
Catholic Charities Operation Mi Amor / Liberty Ministries
Catholic Charities Our Lady San Juan
Catholic Charities Park Ln Terr
Catholic Charities Peer2Peer
Catholic Charities Praise Embassy
Catholic Charities Raphas World
Catholic Charities San Juan
Catholic Charities Santa Fe Trails
Catholic Charities Springs Fellowship Church *
Catholic Charities St Ann
Catholic Charities St Cecilia
Catholic Charities St Francis Lancaster *
Catholic Charities St Joseph
Catholic Charities St Luke
Catholic Charities St Michaels Grand Prairie
Catholic Charities St Patrick
Catholic Charities St Paul
Catholic Charities St Philip
Catholic Charities St Pius X *
Catholic Charities St Jude Park Center
Catholic Charities Strong Tower Temple
Catholic Charities Sunchase Square Apts
Catholic Charities the Mondello
Catholic Charities TR Hoover *
Catholic Charities Tyler Street
Catholic Charities Urban Inter Tribal Center
Cedar Crest CME Church *
Cedar Hill Shares *
Celestial Church Of Christ - Canaanland Parish *
Celestial Church Of Christ Emmanuel Parish *
Centro Cristiano Vida Abundante *
Chocolate Mint Foundation *
Chris Howell Foundation *
Christ's Foundry UMC *
Church of the Ascension - Tasby *
Cities Of Refuge *
City On a Hill International Church *
Comet Cupboard
Commissary Is Very Necessary *
Community Academy Day Care
Community Impart *
Community Outreach Connection *
Community UMC *
Cornerstone Fellowship Church of Dallas *
Covenant Purpose & Restoration Family Center *
Creekview High School
Crisis Ministries
Crossing Baptist Church *
Community Youth Family Services *
Dallas Bethlehem Center *
Dallas Bible Church
Dallas Brazilian SDA *
Dallas Children's Advocacy Center *
Dallas College Brookhaven College Food Pantry
Dallas College Cedar Valley
Dallas College Eastfield College
Dallas College El Centro
Dallas College Mountain View College
Dallas College North Lake
Dallas College Pleasant Grove Center
Dallas College Richland College
Dallas College West Dallas Center
Dallas First Church of SDA *
Dallas Indian Mission *
Dallas Leadership Foundation *
Dallas Life Foundation
Dallas New Life SDA *
Dallas Outcry in The Barrio *
Dallas Outcry Metanoya Church *
Dallas Theological Seminary *
Dallas West Church of Christ
Desoto Food Pantry *
DHA Kingbridge Crossing *
DHA Renaissance Oaks *
Divine Inspiration Missionary *
Divine Summit of Worship Church *
Duncanville Outreach Ministry *
Emanuel Community Center *
Emmanuel Anglican Church *
Empowering The Masses *
Episcopal Church of The Ascension *
Estates At Grand Prairie Inc.
Evangelist Temple Church *
Everlasting Life 7 Day Fitness *
Faith At Work Ministries *
Faith Family Empowerment Center *
Feed My People *
Fellowship Pentecostal Church of God *
First Assembly of God Church of Terrell/
Adopt A Block *
First Baptist Church Richardson *
First Baptist Church Sunnyvale *
For Oak Cli *
Fourth Avenue Church of Christ *
Friends of Solar Prep *
Friendship Missionary Baptist Church *
Friendship-West Faith Formula Human Services *
FUMC Grand Prairie *
Galloway Avenue Baptist Church *
Garland Faith Community SDA *
Gift of Love *
Good Street Social Center *
Goodness And Grace *
Grace Communion International Richardson *
Grace Place Church of Christ *
Grace Place Properties *
Grand Prairie Co-Op *
Grand Prairie SDA *
Grand Prairie United Charities *
Gray's Adult Activity Home *
Great Awakening *
Great Grace Gospel Church *
Greater Community First Baptist Church *
Harmony CDC *
Hawn Freeway Christian Ministries Inc (City Food) *
Helen's Project *
Helping Hands Center for Obesity *
Highest Praise Church of Irving *
Highland Oaks Church of Christ *
Holy Tabernacle Church International *
Holy Trinity Catholic Church *
Homeward Bound Inc *
Hope City Dream Center *
Hope Desire Change *
House Of Jabez Inc *
I Know Grace *
Igbo Community Assoc. Of Nigeria *
Interfaith Family Services *
International Harvest Fellowship *
Irving Schools Foundation I *
Irving SDA *
Islamic Center of Irving
ISS Warehouse *
J&J Outreach *
Jubilee Park & Community Center *
Kids Cove Community Outreach *
King's Place International Ministries *
Liberate Church *
Life Giving Word Church *
Living Springs SDA Ministries *
Living Waters
Louise Herrington School of Nursing Baylor University *
Lovers Lane UMC
Manna From Above *
Masters Harvest *
Mesquite Church of Christ - Yellow House *
Mesquite Friendship Baptist Church *
Metro Family Ministries *
Metropolitan Dream Center of Dallas *
Mighty Ministries *
Miles Of Freedom - MLK
Miles Of Freedom - Romine
Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church *
Mutual Association of Men & Women *
N2NE Youth Mentoring *
Network of Community Ministries
New Hope Baptist Church *
New Life Church *
New Life Church Of NTX
New Room Community Center *
Nexus Recovery Center *
North Dallas Shared Ministries
Oak Cli Churches for Emergency Aid *
Our Calling, Inc. *
Peace Church Ministries *
Phoenix House *
Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church *
Plano Hope's Door New Beginning Center
Portable Pantry Project *
Portfolio Residential Services - Timber *
Positive Reflection Ministries *
Precious Gems
Rainbow Days *
Ratcli Taylor Residence
RCCG Bread of Life *
RCCG Christ Church *
RCCG Grace Covenant Center *
RCCG House on the Rock *
RCCG Living Word Parish *
RCCG Victory House *
Rescue Sanctuary Assembly of God *
Resolution Family Ministry *
Restoration Worldwide Ministries *
Rock Church I *
Rock Church II *
Royal Haven Baptist Church *
Salvation Army Adult Rehab
Salvation Army Carr Collins
Salvation Army Collins Kitchen
Salvation Army Irving
Salvation Army Oak Cli
Salvation Army Pleasant Grove
San Francisco De Asis *
SDA East Dallas Spanish Church *
Seed Of Glory Intl *
Serving With a Purpose *
Set Free Outreach Ministries *
Shady Grove CME *
Sharing Life Community Outreach
Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church *
Shiloh Terrace Baptist Church *
Sonyas Helping Hands *
Soul For Christ Ministry *
South Dallas Community Food Center
Southside Economic & Community Dev Corp *
St Michael The Archangel Catholic Church *
St Stephen UMC *
St. Augustine's Episcopal Church *
St. Mary's Episcopal Church *
St. Matthew Baptist Church *
St. Matthew's Food Pantry *
Storehouse Suppers
Straight Street
SVDP Immaculate Conception *
Sweet Home Missionary Baptist Church Garland *
Tabernacle Baptist Church
TBOC Community Church *
The HAVEN Church of the Nazarene *
The Opal J. Smith Balch Springs Food Pantry *
The Well Recovery Center
Transfiguration *
Transition To Transformation *
Trinity Basin Prep. *
Trinity Christian Worship *
True Believers Community Dev *
True Light Ministries *
Trusted World Foundation
TS Recuperative Care of NTX *
Turn Around Agenda *
Turning Point Church of God *
Tyler Street Manor *
Unmerited Favor Christian Fellowship Church *
Vickery Meadows Neighborhood
Vision For Families *
Vital Impact *
VNA Meals On Wheels *
Walnut Park Assembly of God *
Warriors-Hope and Compassion *
Way Of Truth *
Wesley Rankin Community Center
Wheatland UMC *
Winning Faith Ministries Food Pantry *
Word of Peace International Ministry *
Yoruba Heritage Association*
Youth Educators and Senior Services *
Youth In View *
Youth World *
Zion Baptist Church *