Hitting the road for NTFB
With so many people out of work due to COVID-19, I count myself very lucky to be able to work at a place whose mission is to bring food to the table for hungry people. Watch the news and you will see how this number will continue to grow over the next few days, weeks and months. It is a heartbreaking reality.
Working as a driver for the North Texas Food Bank allows me to transport one of the most essential items: nutritious foods. The best part of the job is being able to deliver these to local partner agencies who are on the frontlines of hunger.
It can be hard work, but it is extremely rewarding.

I have gotten to know people at Partner Agencies such as Pastor Paul at Compassion Coriscana, Meredith from City Square, and Ms. Martha from Pleasant Grove Food Pantry just to name a few. The people that run these agencies are truly the salt of the earth. They put so much of their heart and soul into what they do. I feel honored to play a small role in meeting their mission.
Just as these agencies look to the NTFB to bring them their food, we look to the caring community to help us meet the need. Thankfully, there are so many retail stores who help curb food waste by instead making sure this nutritious food gets to people that need it. On my route I am humbled to be able to pick food up from Amazon, Sam’s, Walmart, Fresh Point, Albertsons and many others.
As we look towards the future, I know there is a lot of uncertainty. But I think its more important to focus on what we do know for certain. For me, that means knowing in my heart that the community joined together when we needed it most. It means celebrating acts of kindness and compassion. Finally, it means, loading up my truck each morning and delivering food to the partners that need it most.
Each day I am proud to go above and beyond the call of duty for the people that we serve, they are so grateful for our support. I LOVE my job. I am honored to be a member of the Food Bank family. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for supporting us during this difficult time. May we continue to be one North Texas and take care of each other.
Pamela Allen, NTFB Driver