About Nourish North Texas
Nourish North Texas is a comprehensive campaign that significantly expands our ability to provide hungry neighbors with more food for today while providing hope for tomorrow by addressing the root causes of food insecurity. The campaign is grounded in a new strategic plan for how we fight hunger in North Texas.
With a goal of raising $500 million in food and funds by the end of FY23, Nourish North Texas will allow the NTFB to execute its strategic plan funding critical operations and the growth of its Feeding Network of partner agencies – more than 200 local food pantries and other organizations across the NTFB’s 13-county service area. It will also support new, innovative partnerships and programs that address root causes of hunger and help move families toward long-term food security and economic stability.
The COVID-19 pandemic reversed the last decade’s progress toward closing the hunger gap. According to Feeding America, 42 million people across the nation – including more than 700,000 of our neighbors here in North Texas – may face hunger due to the ongoing effects of the pandemic. This figure represents a 55 percent increase in the number of people seeking help from food banks as compared to previous years.
NTFB is grateful to our Nourish North Texas campaign leaders Flauren and Jason Bender, Renee and Jeff George, Gunjan and Anurag Jain, and Katherine and Eric Reeves.
Nourish North Texas Initiatives
To address the immediate and critical need, the Food Bank team seeks to fund several initiatives via the Nourish North Texas campaign:
$150M in Cash Donations
- Supports our core mission of sourcing, collecting, and transporting food to our 200+ Partner Agencies across the 13 counties we serve.
- Expands our ability to get food directly to children, seniors, and families through Mobile Pantries, Food 4 Kids, and School Pantry programs and the Commodity Supplemental Food Program.
- Allows us to create new and expanded partnerships that address the root causes of food insecurity and help our neighbors become more self-sufficient. This includes helping NTFB Partner Agencies build capacity to serve more people more effectively.
$300M in Donated Food Products
Offsets the greatest expense to the NTFB – the cost of purchased food – by sourcing nutritious food from community givers, retail partners, and food manufacturers. Purchased food has increased in price by 6 times compared to pre-pandemic levels.
$50M for an Endowment
Provides a permanent, sustainable source of income to supplement annual dollars raised. It will hold permanently invested monetary gifts, and temporarily restricted funds for emergencies. This provides a safety net to feed our hungry neighbors in crises like the COVID-19 pandemic and allows the NTFB to invest in growth capacity.
Nourish North Texas Needs Your Support
To provide Food for Today and Hope for Tomorrow, we need the support of our community. By supporting the Nourish North Texas campaign, you will help the Food Bank achieve our vision of a hunger-free, healthy North Texas. Your gift will ensure that our neighbors have access to nutritious foods and that our partners will be able to meet increased needs for years to come.