Serving North Texas After the Storm

The North Texas Food Bank is committed to supporting North Texans by providing access to nutritious foods.
The cold weather conditions for this week were historic and have had devastating consequences both for the neighbors we serve and for the member agencies of our Feeding Network.
Our goal is to mobilize quickly to get as much nutritious food out the community as possible. In the coming days weeks and months, we will work to provide food to our Partner Agency Feeding Network and will also bolster our Mobile Pantry program – please visit for our upcoming distributions.
We want to thank the caring community that has offered their support via food, funds, time and advocacy.
Right now, our biggest needs are:
- Volunteers to support our Mobile Pantry program. To find a shift visit
- Funds to replenish foods. With the supply chain disrupted, we know it will be hard to come by donated foods, your support helps us stock our shelves. Visit to make a gift.
- Healthy foods – If able, please donate healthy food items or launch a virtual food drive to help us replenish our supply visit to start your campaign.
Our team and our Feeding Network are dedicated to this North Texas community and we will do all that we can to support our neighbors.
Together we can transform North Texas.