The Face of Hunger

Do you know the face of hunger?
This holiday season, the North Texas Food Bank launched The Face of Hunger giving campaign to raise awareness regarding the many faces of hunger. With nearly 800,000
neighbors residing in food-insecure households, the face of hunger is all around. Maybe in the house down the street, at a nearby childcare center or school, possibly in the office across the hall – you likely know the face of hunger. In our community, individuals who don’t know where or how they will find their next meal could be a neighbor, colleague or classmate.
Hunger is not bound by race, color, creed, age or socio-economic level, and can affect anyone. For that reason, the campaign features images that reflect this diversity, emphasizing that hunger does not discriminate. The campaign runs through December 31st, and aims to strengthen support during the holidays when the need for food assistance increases. Our neighbors in need don’t have to spend the holiday season, or any day of the year, facing hunger.
Thanks to a generous matching donation opportunity from Sammons Enterprises and the Beaumont Foundation of America, all gifts made during the campaign will be doubled, up to $200,000. That means $1 provides six meals. Your support provides hungry neighbors with fresh produce, proteins and shelf-stable items, and ensures they will find food on their tables during a season when most gather for special meals with friends and family.
During these last few months of 2019, take a moment and remember – the face of hunger is likely closer than you think, and when you see the face of hunger, you face hunger. This holiday season, and all throughout the year, join the Food Bank in facing and fighting hunger.
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