Our Volunteer Model is Changing – For Now
Food Bank supporters are some of the kindest most hardworking people that I have ever met. I am privileged to serve as the Director of Volunteer Operations for the North Texas Food Bank. In this role, I oversee the work of the more than 40,000 volunteers that come through our doors each year- not to mention the Food Bank staffers that help schedule volunteer shifts and run production lines.
As North Texas and the world grapples with the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, one thing is clear: the support of the community is more important than ever.
Recently, we announced that we would be temporarily suspending traditional volunteer shifts. Working alongside the team at Shiftsmart, we will bring in displaced employees from the hospitality industry to create family meal boxes for the neighbors we serve. Since the hospitality industry has been hit hard with closures of restaurants, bars and sports arenas, this is an opportunity for these folks to receive an income thanks to Shiftsmart and a fund at the Communities Foundation of Texas while also providing a critical service to the community.

We believe this structure to be a win-win for the community, but we know there are still people ready and willing to serve- if you are looking for volunteer opportunities while the Food Bank deploys this new model, look no further than our Feeding Network. There are still many agencies that are open and looking for volunteers to support their mission.
To find a partner agency near you, please use the agency finder on ntfb.org. You will also be able to find volunteer opportunities for North Texas Food Bank agencies soon via Volunteer Now.
We know that these times are uncertain and scary. That’s why it is even more humbling to see the community coming together to help our neighbors in need. In the days and months ahead, the NTFB and our partners will need your support. Thank you for being a Hunger Hero.
Vicky Eaglebear
Director of Volunteer Operations